Quarry Stratigraphy
Layer Thickness
122 cm 35 cm 10 cm 5 cm 13 cm 5 cm 76 cm 8 cm 2.5 cm 5 cm 10 cm 2.5 cm 2.5 cm 5 cm 7.5 cm 31 cm 5 cm 10 cm 31 cm 127 cm 2.5 cm 5 cm 2.5 cm 7.5 cm 7.5 cm 20 cm 13 cm |
Bed Description
South Wall Exposure - Bryozoan reef beds where mudstone has infiltrated throughout Mudstone beds mostly barren Repeating storm deposits and shell pavements Storm deposit multiple Dalmanites bed #3 - mostly adult specimens (current gathered) Storm deposit and shell pavement Multiple Dalmanites bed #2 - silty limestone with tubular holes at base of bed (current gathering both adult and juvenile specimens) Repeating storm deposits and shell pavements of mostly Striispirifer specimens with scattered trilobite parts and other random fauna. Occasional complete Dalmanites and Trimerus Mudstone beds with sparse shell pavement and occasional complete Dalmanites Thick Striispirifer bed with scattered pieces of bryozoan, trilobites, crinoids and other fauna. Mudstone containing Dalmanites bed #1 with brittle stars and Homocrinus crinoids on assorted shell pavement at base. Occasional complete crinoids found. Mudstone containing random fossils Calcisiltite - barren. Mudstone bed commonly containing Calymene with occasional worms and Gazacrinus crinoids. Some starfish too. Mudstone bed with occasional large Bumastus. Cystoid bed - Caryocrinites with Calymene and Dalmanites - base is shell pavement. Mudstone bed - mostly barren. Limestone bed with burrows and trilobite tracks. Calcisiltite - mostly barren with burrows. Repeating storm deposits and shell pavements of mostly Striispirifer specimens with scattered trilobite parts and other random fauna. Occasional complete Dalmanites. Lowest five inches contains Arctinurus Bed #5 with occasional cystoid thecas and Dalmanites - Base is concentrated small broken shell and other fauna fragments. Mudstone with interbedded Calcisiltite beds - containing very random fossils. Barren mudstone, base of bed has Bifungites specimens. Arctinurus bed #4- Silty limestone with occasional Trimerus. Barren mudstone. Arctinurus bed #3 - Arctinurus are fairly common. Large Trimerus can also be found. Mudstone bed - nearly barren Arctinurus bed #2. Mudstone and Calcisiltite bed - mostly barren. Arctinurus bed #1 with occasional semi-pyritized crinoids - Arctinurus with thin shell. |
Bed #
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 |
Sub Member
E D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D C B B B B B B B |